Neurologist and epilepsy specialist

alan b. ettinger, md, mba, faan, faes


About Dr. ettinger

Alan B. Ettinger, MD, MBA, FAAN, FAES is a nationally-known epilepsy specialist devoted to helping individuals with seizures and related disorders. He is the Medical Director at United Diagnostics (EEG services), Medical Director at United Medical Monitoring (intraoperative neuromonitoring) and the epilepsy consultant at North Suffolk Neurology in Commack, NY. He is a former Professor in the Department of Clinical Neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He has performed major research related to advancing the quality of life of persons grappling with epilepsy.

Dr. Ettinger has directed national and regional epilepsy symposia. He has published widely in peer-review journals on depression, psychotropic properties of antiepileptic drugs, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, and has edited journal supplements and six textbooks. Among them is book for the lay public entitled “The Essential Patient Handbook: Getting the Health Care You Need – From Doctors Who Know” (Ettinger AB, Weisbrot DM. Demos), a guide for teaching patients to advocate for their needs when meeting with the physician.

Dr. Ettinger has been on the editorial board of several epilepsy journals, has served on national committees of the American Academy of Neurology, American Epilepsy Society, the national Epilepsy Foundation, and the International League Against Epilepsy, and was for many years the moderator at the psychiatric interest special interest group sessions at the annual American Epilepsy Society meetings.

Dr. Ettinger is president of the EPIC- Long Island Epilepsy Foundation Professional Advisory Board and was a member of the national Professional Advisory Board and the Executive Board of Directors of the Epilepsy Foundation of America. He was the recipient of the Epilepsy Foundation of Long Island’s 2004 Professional Achievement Award and the co-recipient of the March of Dimes Long Island Chapter’s humanitarian award in October 2004. In preceding years, he has often been cited in best doctors guides including Castle and Connelly, New York Magazine, Newsday and New York Time’s featured Superdoctors. Dr. Ettinger was inducted into the Beta Gamma Sigma Society, the honor society for achievement in Master of Business Administration studies.

Dr. Ettinger provides education to physicians, by delivering grand rounds presentations at major medical centers, as a consultant in epilepsy, and as the lead author of textbooks commonly utilized by healthcare practitioners including “Neurologic Differential Diagnosis (Cambridge University Press 2014) and “Synopsis of Neurology, Psychiatry and Related Systemic Disorders” (Cambridge University Press 2019). He is currently conducting studies examining the potential benefits of music for epilepsy.

Dr. Ettinger is also the sax player and health educator for the band Synaptic Groove, which provides lecture/concerts for the lay public, and gets everyone up dancing while teaching about the health benefits of music.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ettinger in Commack New York, please call 631-364-9119. For our inspirational video on epilepsy, please visit Youtube and type in Epilepsy, A Musical Message of Hope, or use the following link: